Greetings to all! I’m voicing this message out to anyone concerned and to those families that have been impacted by the criminal justice system in Texas. I pray that you will be able to take a course of action! The “Earned Time Credit Bill” or HB 2940 is again being presented in this legislation session. Because Republicans are the “majority”, to pass any bill in Texas it must have some Republican support. The only criminal justice reform bills the Republicans will vote for are those that will lower crime rate. The Earned Time Credit Bill will lower the crime rate by allowing prisoners who have rehabilitated themselves with education to become eligible for parole according to the extent of their education and good behavior. These prisoners will have far lower recidivism rates than the average prisoner, and shifting parole to them will lower the crime rate via a lowering of the recidivism rate. The Republicans who voted for the 2023 “second look” juvenile bill should be told about the 2025 Earned Time Credit Bill, and its ability to lower the crime rate. President Donald Trump enacted a version of this bill for federal inmates, however the “Earned Time Credit” would be open to more qualifying individuals compared to Trump’s “First Step” act.

It’s time for “God’s People” and “We The People” to take a stand in unity and seek a change.

A true transformation into real EQUALITY. Andy Conn is advocating against the bill and has provided inaccurate information to the public that IF this bill is passed thousands of violent criminals will be released into the streets. This statement is unfounded because those that are already eligible are not released, but are “considered only”. Andy Conn will bring his followers to lobby against the bill. If you’re able to spread the word to the population via social media do so, so that those who are willing and wanting to help can come and show support at the Capitol.


We need the family members to contact Lt. Governor Dan Patrick at:

PO Box 12068

Austin, Texas 78711
message line: (512) 463-5342


office line: (512) 463-0001

Tell him you’re a voter and taxpayer and want to know how he will be handling the Good Conduct Bill because you want to see it passed! You also need to contact your house representative and senators too!

We need all ex-offenders or those who have been impacted by the criminal justice system to step up and raise awareness to this bill! For those who’ve been incarcerated, you all have done time, and understand the struggle! The author of this bill is Representative Venton Jones and he can be contacted at:

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
District office phone: (214) 421-0744 Austin office phone: (512) 463-0586

Don’t allow this to fall on deaf ears! Don’t be complacent and subject yourself to a political structure of corrupt privilege!